Designed with an old town feel. The firehouse includes eight apparatus bays, a fire pole, administrative offices, emergency operations center, a day room for the firefighters, exercise area, and bunk rooms. The new firehouse also serves as the fire administration headquarters for the Castle Rock Fire and Rescue Department.

The pre-engineered metal structure boasts a 30,000 sf, 3,300 seat Great Hall, measuring 65 feet from floor to peak. It includes 123 booths, vehicular access for loading and unloading, a show/ticket office, portable stage, shower/locker rooms and dedicated dressing rooms, parking areas, roadways, and landscaping.

The St. Charles Carriage house is a 126 stall, three-level parking structure located on the southeastern corner of Gregory Street and Bobtail Road in Black Hawk, CO. Teaming up with MWGC on this Design Build project is DESMAN, Inc. The structure is designed to resemble local architecture of the late 1800’s. This was important, as the City of Black Hawk strives to maintain its old town feel. A brick façade, and CorTen roof helps achieve this classical look.

The Paonia Public Library is a new 8,000 sf LEED designed building. This beautiful new community icon includes public meeting rooms, outdoor seating, small group study rooms, wireless computer access, an expanded children’s area, separate teen zone, and an area specifically dedicated to Paonia history.

The South Park Ambulance District chose MW GOLDEN CONSTRUCTORS to build their new ground up 4,345 square-foot single story ambulance station located in Hartsel, CO. The station is a stand alone structure on a previously undeveloped site. Three main functions for the ambulance station went into the design: a clinic space, living space, and an apparatus bay.

This 5,287 square foot pre-engineered metal building was built in conjuncture with the Town of Nederland's environmentally friendly thinking. Photovotalic solar panels on the roof bring the building close to a net-zero energy usage. Heating and cooling is made efficient with a geothermal system that includes a full mile of piping.

This project consisted of the renovation of the original 6,032-sf Fire Station, while also adding 2,060-sf of usable space. The 8,092-sf mixed-use space includes duty quarters, an apparatus bay for housing two fire trucks, clean room, work room, storage rooms, mechanical/boiler room, generator room, IT room, offices, conference room, gymnasium, the addition of a fire pole, two exterior trash enclosures, as well as two Employee Housing Units (EHUs).

The six story Fire Simulator built for the City and County of Denver features a burn room, residential training room, and an industrial training room. The residential and industrial training rooms allow the fire department to simulate conditions fire fighters experience in the field, giving them situational experience in a controlled environment. Smoke generators and prop furniture and appliances complete the simulated environment for the fire fighters.

The historic mountain building tradition of slab-bark siding is combined with a log structure and modern thermal glass systems. However, the character of this 4,500 sf library remains rustic. Interior spaces are vaulted with exposed timber structure and wood siding. Light falls into the center of the library from linear windows above the central circulation path. A fireplace in the popular reading area allows the public to center its social life in a warm friendly surrounding.